Obama Pushing Anti-America Treaties
President Obama has been pushing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to ratify 17 treaties that would destroy America’s sovereignty. Should the Senate bend to his pressure,

•    Our Constitution would give way to foreign law.

U.N. Emblem

•    The United Nations would have the power to impose global taxes on the American   people.
•    The United Nations would take control of all the oil resources near our coastlines.
•    United Nations officials would have the authority to dictate to the U.S. Navy where it is allowed to go.

These treaties and the above consequences are part of Barack Obama’s vision for America and its role in the world. Some of the treaties that are especially worrisome to lovers of America are the “Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST),” which gives the United Nations control of the world’s oceans, a U.N. Global Tax Treaty, a U.N. treaty to overturn America’s Second Amendment (our right to bear arms), and other U.N. treaties that would replace the U.S. Constitution with a variety of U.N. foreign laws. But wait, there’s more! Obama also wants the Senate to ratify the feminist Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the unverifiable Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and other Related Materials. This noble-sounding mouthful is simply a method for eliminating gun rights for Americans. Read more about LOST.

While Americans have been focused on the economy, our President has been busy promoting his agenda behind the scenes. There is great cause for concern because the liberal members of the senate want to give the President what he wants. If Obama fears that he may not be re-elected, he will step up the pressure to inflict as much damage as possible while he’s still in power. America is on the verge of destruction on so many levels. Her morality, her economy, and her sovereignty are hanging by a thread.

Jordan River

This is where we have to take a giant step back and see the big picture. We need to remind ourselves that the king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes (Proverbs 21:1). While it’s comforting to be reminded that God is controlling every world leader, it’s frightening to see what God is allowing to happen to America. While we must do everything in our power to see that America’s sovereignty is not sold out to the U.N., God may have other plans in dealing out judgment for our nation’s sins.

While believers are safe from the wrath of God, we, as Americans, will suffer the consequences of our nation’s sins. What happens to America will affect all of us, but praise God, He knows those who are His and He will bring us through even the most fiery trial strong as ever if we continue to trust Him. Should our President and our Senate sell us out to the U.N., yet in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).


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