Read this encouraging story of transformed lives in Iran.
Every so often I write something to offset all the bad news. This is one of those articles, and once again, it’s about SAT-7, the Christian ministry that broadcasts the good new of the gospel via satellite throughout the Middle-East. A recent SAT-7 newsletter told the stories of two young Iranian women who appear on SAT-7 PARS programs. Farida (not her real name) appears of a very popular program for small children:

“We had our first live program where kids in Iran could call in. We didn’t know whatWomen of Hope to expect, especially since the government is constantly trying to block people from calling SAT-7. In the first five minutes we had 200 calls! In my earpiece I heard that children were on the line crying, so wanting to talk to us. We literally dropped half of our planned script. Most of the children were not from Christian backgrounds. They kept telling us, ‘I love Jesus. I love you.’ You could hear parents prompting the children what to say. One little boy said, ‘We’re not Christians. Is it OK if we watch your programs?’ We asked one little girl why she liked the program so much. She simply said, ‘Jesus Christ.'”

When Farida paid a visit to the high school from which she had recently graduated, the headmaster asked her for a Bible. He said he knew who she was, that he watches her every week, and that he tells his family in Iran to watch SAT-7, too.

Nazu is another program host. Her live call-in program is directed to teens and young adults living in Iran:

“Our call-in numbers are blocked regularly by the government, but the staff are able

Greenfield- a comic puppet show

Greenfield- a comic puppet show

to secure new numbers quickly and place them on the screen. A few of the live calls are hostile. I heard on young person say, ‘I hated you because I knew you were right.’ Others say, ‘You are happy. I want to know more of what you have.'”

“A young man said that every time he thought about Jesus he would be surrounded by some kind of positive energy. A woman said, ‘I felt this presence before I went to bed the other night. I prayed for my ill mother. The next morning she was healed.’ She was ready to learn more.”

“When Iranians decide to follow Jesus, they may go to an officially recognized church in Iran. Because the government does not allow them to accept such new members, church leaders tell the people to start watching SAT-7 PARS, that we will be their church! The people are ready. It is a new day in Iran. We love being here to share the Word of God and the Gospel.”

Although we don’t hear much about it, God is doing a great work throughout the entire Middle-East. People have begun to think in a new way as God shakes the nations, the people, and their thinking. He is revealing the truth in plain unmistakable ways. The people are recognizing the difference between light and dark as God opens door after door and breaks down wall after wall. He is calling millions to discover the truth in the face of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to contribute to the work God is doing through SAT-7 click here
or call 866 744-7287.


Don’t put a question mark where God puts a period.