Christian Friends of Israel (Jerusalem) reports that their distribution center is preparing for an influx of Jewish immigrants into Israel and their distribution center. They are expecting to be flooded with newcomers in a way they have not experienced since the early 1990s.

The distribution center for Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) has a long way to go to prepare for this. Their War Relief teams are continually visiting traumatized people in the south and comforting and praying with those who are struggling emotionally because of all their daily struggles and uncertainties. Their biggest fear is the siren, which signals “it’s happening again.” CFI is preparing for one of the fullest years in its existence.

Christians are reminded in Romans 15:27 that since we have shared in Israel’s “spiritual things (like the New Covenant),” we are indebted to minister to her in “material things.”   God honors those who take this seriously. I noticed an upturn in my business when I first took this verse seriously. The cares and worries of our lives don’t compare to what many in Israel experience on a daily basis. Jesus tells us that by our standard of measure it will be measured to us in return (Luke 6:38). This is a promise. It’s like the tithe, which mysteriously makes the remainder go further. God cares deeply for Israel and her people, We should, too. Check out to see how you can help.