Knowing what is constantly happening “behind the scenes” on our behalf is proof that God is For Us + News



I’ve written a lot about preparing for what’s coming. But what is the best way to prepare? Clearly, it’s getting our spiritual act together—becoming so secure in Christ that our faith is strong enough to see us through whatever comes our way. It’s that calm assurance that is noticeable to those around you. It’s time to honestly assess our trust. If you’re a worrier, you obviously have trust issues that must be addressed.

Comfort from Romans 8

If you’re not convinced of God’s love for you because of the things He has allowed to happen to you, you apparently think God’s job is to protect you from harm and make your life as pleasant as possible. Hopefully, you’re not that far gone, but simply struggle with your faith from time to time and blame yourself for being so weak. If this sounds more like you, here are some comforting words from Chapter 8 of Roman.

The first encouraging thought is that God knows full well how weak, inconsistent, and prone to wander we are. He knows we need a lot of help, and He has made provision for every need. I’ve written often about how He has already given us everything we would ever need. Today’s message goes beyond that to the reality of or weakness despite God’s provisions.

Our Two Advocates

Recently, I found it very reassuring as I was reminded that two powerful advocates, the Holy Spirit and the Son of God, are constantly working on our behalf. They are well aware of our weaknesses and are utilizing all the power of heaven to enable us to overcome our weaknesses and become fearless warriors.

Jesus is currently at the right hand of God the Father interceding for those who belong to Him. How comforting is that! The Good Shepherd is constantly looking out for His sheep by pleading their case before God in heaven (in spite of our screw-ups). At the same time, the indwelling Holy Spirit is interceding for us within us according to God’s nature (of which we are partakers) according to our needs, which He knows full well, in light of the dangers ahead which He foresees.

We’re told that the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Devoted men of God have testified to the Spirit of prayer prostrating them into deep and often prolonged “groanings.” Some believe these “groaning intercessions” are not only over those needs we know well, but also over those needs of which we are aware—needs that are beyond our understanding and our ability to comprehend.

God Searches our Hearts

While the Holy Spirit is groaning within us, God is searching our hearts. This is nothing like God searching our hearts to see if there is any wickedness dwelling there. Here God is “searching hearts” to know the mind of the indwelling Holy Spirit concerning a saint, to know what the Spirit is groaning for on behalf of the that saint, in order that He may supply it. A ll this is going on while we’re going about our daily business and even while we sleep.

How could we possibly still have doubts about God’s love for us? How could we possibly doubt Him? How can we continue to hang onto our trust issues? He is absolutely for us, so who can be against us? What more could we possibly ask?



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Why do we say, “Call me when you can”?  Isn’t that the only time they can call? Do they really need that clarification?


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