
Book Preview

Apostle Peter tried his best to explain to the crowd what had just happened. In doing so, he quoted the prophet Joel as he stated:




With that basic understanding, I will state that I believe we are in the last of the Last Days, a period also referred to as the “end times.” Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. Many of the things God said would happen in “later times” are now commonplace. People are falling away from the faith and buying into doctrines of demons in record numbers. Consciences have become so seared that unimaginable immorality and perversion are being forced upon us. Truth is being suppressed in unrighteousness, and our once tranquil little world is now filled with wickedness, deceit, murder, and hatred. At the same time, America is being lulled to sleep in the name of diversity and political correctness. We have been taught to abhor racial profiling and anything that might offend Muslims, even those whose goal is our destruction. Consider the words of Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey three days after the Fort Hood massacre when 12 American soldiers were gunned down and 31 were injured by a Muslim:

“Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”

I listened in disbelief as he faced the TV cameras and methodically uttered these words. When the leader of our army believes that diversity is more important than protecting the lives of our troops, we’ve got a real problem. The Muslim shrink, an Army Major, who opened fire on U.S. troops did everything but spray paint, “I Am Going to Kill You All” on the wall before he actually carried out his attack. Not only did Hassan put a jihadist

I find it interesting that the more lofty and noble definitions are believed in only one portion of the world—the West. Tolerance and multiculturalism have provided a fertile ground for such a view. Perhaps this explains why the websites (which are few in number) that promote a moderate Muslim viewpoint are always in English.

To truly understand the “peace” of Islam, we must understand the meaning of jihad. The word jihad comes from the word jahidi, which means to “strive hard,” as in striving hard against the unbelievers. As with “peace,” we are told that the striving of Islam is philosophical or intellectual, but the translations of the word jihad nearly always mean holy war. The Qur’an clearly states that jihad is to be waged on the battlefield. “When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly” (Sura 47:4). That doesn’t sound very philosophical to me.

Unbelievers are not the only object of jihad. Muslims who stray from the faith are also to be slain. “Hell shall be their home: and evil fate” (Sura 9:73). In case you’re counting on moderate Muslims to offset the radical ones, you need to know that jihad is a religious duty for all Muslims (Sura 9:2). The Qur’an takes it a step further. Martyrdom in jihad is the highest good and is the only guarantee of salvation. Of all the things Muslims are obligated to do, and the list is lengthy, rigorous, and downright impossible, only dying while fighting the infidels will earn one a ticket to paradise. The more infidels you can kill in the process, the better. In contrast to Americans, who have come to believe that tolerance is the highest virtue, even in warfare, Muslims are to show no tolerance to the unbelievers they are fighting (Sura 9:5) and acts of terrorism are justified (Sura 8:2).

Islam sees the world as being divided into two houses: The one “in submission” is called Dar-al-Salaam (House of Peace). The one not yet in submission is called Dar-al-Harb (House of War). Those of us in the West who have not yet been brought under submission are subject to jihad.

The one who submits is called a Muslim (sometimes spelled Moslem). The submission requires both beliefs (iman) and practices (deen). To believe in Islam requires the belief in one God,

Anyone who is fascinated by conspiracy theories will love this option. If you’re among those who roll their eyes at such notions, keep reading. You just might rethink your position. The previous view presented Islam as coming under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church. Another view suggests that a power-hungry “inner circle” actually controls both Islam and Catholicism. According to this view, both religions are merely tools to help build a One World organization. Behind them both is a group of the most influential men in the world with headquarters in Rome. This organization is seen as the beast of the Roman Empire.

One of the leading proponents of this view is Walter Veith, an author and keynote speaker for Amazing Discoveries, a non-profit ministry based in British Columbia. Veith and others claim that the masses of “average” followers in both Catholicism and Islam have been taught to believe something quite different from the tenants of those in the “inner circle.” Those in the “outer circle” are seen as nothing more than cattle or sheep by the elite. They are a mere shadow of the real power at the center. Within that center are two of the key players—Freemasonry and the Illuminati.

In a letter dated January 22, 1870, to Guiseppe Mazzini, the Head of the Order of the Illuminati, Albert Pike, the author of Morals and Dogma (the Bible of Freemasonry), expresses his desire for secrecy and power:


“We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree (30th and above), whom we shall elect. With regards to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry, which will become the one international center, the more powerful, because its direction will be unknown.”


Proponents of this view see an extremely strong link between Catholicism and Islam. They point out the fact that, throughout the Middle East, the local Catholic Church and the local mosque are almost always side by side. During one of Walter Veith’s presentations, he showed pictures of a Catholic Church standing beside a Mosque in Aman, Jordan. On the Catholic Church is a symbol showing the sun in a half circle with radiating rays and a square cross (both pagan representatives of the sun). Across the street on the mosque are the same symbols. On top was the typical crescent moon (also the symbol of Baal). Inside, the ceiling displays the same radiating sun. Typically, dozens of Islamic symbols, including the primary symbol, the Muslim star and crescent, can be seen on many stained-glass windows in Catholic Churches. The star of Catholicism’s symbol is exactly the same as Islam’s—two squares superimposed with one rotated 45 degrees. Since the Catholic symbol came first, we can see who influenced whom.

Catholics are well known for the practice of worshipping relics, but many are surprised to learn that Muslims do the same. At a shrine in Damascus, Muslims worship what they believe to be the head of John the Baptist. They also pray with beads.