This special edition brings an urgent request for help.

This special edition is to ask for your help. On June 6, a conference on Islam will begin in the Philippines. The purpose is to equip pastors to deal with the spread of Islam in their region. The teaching will be based on my book, Islam and the Last Days. They are trying to make a copy available to each of the 80 pastors, who are living under some very difficult conditions. Most, if not all, are unable to afford to purchase their own copy.

At the last minute, the conference director, has worked out a deal with a local printer who can print the books from the pdf which I have sent. This is the most cost-effective way to make copies available, but we need your help. Would you please consider giving a small amount to make these books available? I will not be making anything from these books. I’m donating everything they need for the sake of the ministry. They are hungry for the information and you can help to put it into their hands. If every one of my regular subscribers donated just $1, the cost of the entire conference would be met. We have a tremendous opportunity here to make a real difference with almost no sacrifice. It would get my book into the hands of many who desperately need it. I’m only asking for $1, but a larger gift would be appreciated. The link will take you directly to the Donations page for Ambassadors for Christ, Int. In the first box, click “Philippines” and under “Detail” write “Upcoming conference on Islam run by Isaias.” You will then have the opportunity to enter any amount you wish.

Click here to donate.
Please consider this. Your small gift will make a big difference. Let’s use our numbers to further the Kingdom of God.